Vayehi Erev Vayehi Boker


Kabbalat Shabbat services order of the ending prayers –
Amidah, Vayechulu, Magen Avot, Kiddush,
Aleinu, Mourners Kaddish.

In some prayer books the following verse is inserted
before Vayechulu –
Vayehi erev vayehi boker yom hashishi
(and it was evening and it was morning, the sixth day).

Why is this verse inserted in some prayer books?
And why not in all prayer books?
Someone told me that it may have something to do with
saying the prayers in synagogue vs at home.



  1. Interestingly enough, I could not find one Siddur in my collection that had “Vayehi Erev Vayehi Boker…” before Veyechulu. In fact, until reading your question I never knew that such a thing existed!

    The only thing that I can think of that might have some bearing on the matter is that “Vayehi Erev Vayehi Boker” is said at the onset of Kiddush when recited at home. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that Kiddush is being said in Shul.

    Best wishes from the Team

  2. The reason that you never knew that such a thing existed
    is because it does not exist.
    I am sorry that I misled you about the prayer book.
    I did not fully understand when this verse is recited.

    I found the following in a daily prayers book named סדור שפת אמת
    “The following Kiddush is said by the master of the house
    on Friday evening prior to taking any meal.”
    Vayehi, Vayechulu, Kiddush

    It is not the book that we use at synagogue services.

    I also found the vayehi verse in our synagogue prayer book
    (Lev Shalem), specifically Kiddush for Shabbat/Festivals AT HOME.

    So my question is why the vayechi verse is not recited
    in synagogue Kiddush as well as at home Kiddush.

  3. The sefer Ta’amei Haminhagim explains the origin of the custom to recite the words “Vayehi Erev Vayehi Boker” at the beginning of Kiddush even though they are not an integral part of Kiddush. Kiddush really stars with the words “Yom Hashishi V’yechulu Hashamayim” because the first letter of each word spells out the Name of Hashem. However, because that means beginning Kiddush in the middle of a verse from the Torah the words “Vayehi Erev Vayehi Boker” are said in undertone as they are beginning of the phrase. Why do we not begin with the actual opening words of the verse? Because the Midrash rabbah teaches that the first half of the verse is referring to death.

    However, I have not been able to find a source as to why “Vayehi Erev Vayehi Boker” is not said in Shul on Friday night when the Kiddush is recited. If I find anything I will, bli neder, let you know.

    Best wishes from the Team

  4. “Midrash rabbah teaches that the first half of the verse is referring to death.”

    I assume that we are referring to Genesis 1:31
    Vayehi Erev Vayehi Boker is the end of this verse.
    And G-d saw all that He had made, and behold it was very good,
    and it was evening and it was morning, the sixth day.

    I see no reference to death in any part of this verse. Please explain.

  5. The Sages teach that the phrase “Tov Meod – very good” is an oblique reference to the Evil Inclination. Our Sages also teach that the Evil Inclination is the Satan is the Angel of Death. The Maharal from Prague explains that gradations of good – good, very good, very very good, excellent – all emanate from the Evil Inclination. Otherwise everything would be uniformly good.

    Best wishes from the Team