Using a Lighter for Shabbat Candles


May one use a lighter to light shabbat candles instead of matches?



  1. According to the Ashkenazic authorities, there is no problem with using a lighter to light the Shabbat candles, as the Brachah is not recited until after the candles have been lit. The accepted Ashkenazic approach is that it does not officially become Shabbat until the Brachah is said. Therefore, there is no problem with extinguishing the flame of the lighter before making the Brachah.

    However, among the Sephardim there is a prevalent custom to make the Brachah before the candles are lit. If that is a person’s custom, they cannot use a lighter because taking their finger off the trigger extinguishes the flame, which would be a Shabbat desecration. Rather, a match should be used to light the candles and it should then be placed still alight on a flameproof surface and allowed to burn out by itself.

    Best wishes from the Team