Timing of Tashlich



Why is the Tashlich ceremony before Yom Kippur? My daughter and I both felt it would be so wonderful after Yom Kippur; after searching our hearts and repenting we could celebrate the forgiveness of our sins. Rosh HaShanah seems too early to do it. And I’ve read you can do it up until Simchas Torah, but I’ve never heard of anyone doing it after Rosh HaShanah. Really appreciate your answer to this; thank you.



  1. Interesting enough, Tashlich can actually be performed up to Hoshanah Rabbah. However, as you imply, the widespread, accepted custom is to recite Tashlish on the first day of Rosh Hashanah in the afternoon. One reason we do not wait is to show our enthusiasm for performing the Mitzvos. Another reason is that it was in the afternoon on the first day of Rosh Hashanah that Adam sinned in Gan Eden, making that an auspicious time to approach Hashem in repentance. Yet another reason: because the Akeidah took place on Rosh Hashanah in the afternoon.

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