Rod and Branch: Isaiah 11:1


In Isaiah 11:1 we read: “But a rod shall grow out of the stump of Jesse, A Branch shall sprout from his stock.”

1. Who are the “rod” and the “branch”?

2. Which of the commentators has explained in detail about these two words? And what was their commentary?



  1. Rabbi David Kimche is considered to be one of the classic commentaries on the Prophets. He explains as follows:

    “A staff will grow from the stump of Jesse”
    The prophet is telling the people not to be amazed at the great miracle they will witness during the days of Hezekiah – the instant destruction of the Assyrian army – for in the Messianic Era a much greater miracle will occur with the ingathering of all Jews from their exile.

    “From the stump of Jesse”
    The prophet foresees the Jewish people many years into their long exile. He compares the Davidic dynasty to a tree that has been cut down, leaving only a hopeless-looking stump. From that very stump, he sees a new shoot springing forth from its roots, symbolizing the emergence of the Messianic king, who will be worthy of his glorious ancestors.

    Best wishes from the Team