Yahrzeit in Which Adar?


My mother’s yahrzeit is Adar 13 (right before Purim) but this year there are 2 Adars, and so when should I light the candle: Adar 1 or 2?



  1. Firstly please accept my blessing that you be blessed with many more healthy years!

    The answer to your question depends on whether you are Ashkenazi or Sefardi. The Ashkenazic custom is to commemorate the Yahrzeit on the first Adar (unless the original passing was during the second Adar and then the correct date is the second Adar in any year that has one) and the Sefardic custom is to commemorate the Yahrzeit on the second Adar. There is also a custom that some people commemorate the Yahrzeit on both Adars.

    Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team