Understanding One’s Heritage


I am trying to understand my heritage, Ha Ner



  1. I suggest that you read the following: Living Up to the Truth by Rabbi D. Gottlieb (downloadable for free from the Ohr Somayach website www.ohr.edu). Permission to Believe by Lawrence Keleman and Permission to Receive by the same author. Worldmask by Rabbi Dr Tatz, and Anatomy of a Search also by Rabbi Dr Tatz.

    I would also recommend that you try reading a wonderful book called Gateway to Judaism by Rabbi Mordechai Becher, published by ArtScroll. It is a fascinating and very easy to read “mini-encyclopedia”. It is written in an informative and humorous style and covers the spectrum of Judaism, both the practical side and the philosophical/theological side.

    I also think that you might enjoy reading one of the classic books of Jewish philosophy called the Kuzari, which is a book written almost a thousand years ago by Rabbi Yehuda haLevy in the form of a dialog between a Rabbi and a Gentile king. It is theological debate between a Greek philosopher, a Christian, a Muslim and finally a Jew. It is truly fascinating. There is an excellent new translation (with footnotes) by Feldheim Press that should to be easily available online.

    Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team