The Red Heifers


Dear Rabbi,

I have been following the red heifers since they landed in Israel nearly two years ago. I was told that they have to be perfect red heifers for two years and two days to qualify for the sacrifice. Is that true? And, are there any that are still eligible?

Looking forward to the coming of the Messiah,


Name Withheld by editor






  1. I share your anticipation for the advent of the Messianic Era and I hope and pray that it will be very, very soon.

    I am not sure exactly how many qualified red heifers there currently are in the world. Even if they have all lost their status of being a Red Heifer according to Jewish Law, you need not worry. When Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, one of the foremost authorities in Jewish Law from the previous generation, was asked about the need for a Red Heifer for when the Messiah arrives, and he answered: “One of the requirements of the red heifer is that it be at least two years old. What if the Mashiach were to come tomorrow? Would we have to wait two years in order to become pure? No, rather, when Mashiach comes, they’ll find a red heifer that’s two-years old!”

    Best wishes from the Team