The Last Tattoo


Hi Rabbi,

May a person with a tattoo be buried in a Jewish cemetery? I am asking for a friend.

Thank you.



  1. Yes. Believe it or not, this is one of the more frequently asked questions we have received.

    It is important to dispel a widespread misconception. If, for whatever reason a Jewish person has a tattoo, the person can and must be buried in a Jewish cemetery.

    Why the common misconception of a burial taboo for a Jew with a tattoo? The likely source of this myth: Historically, if an unidentified body was found with a tattoo, the deceased was presumed to be non-Jewish and was buried in a non-Jewish cemetery.

    The Torah says not to make any permanent tattoo on our bodies. This mitzvah applies whether the tattoo consists of words or pictures and the message conveyed is irrelevant. I once met a yeshiva student from a secular family who had the name of God as a tattoo and wanted to erase it since he wanted to be purified in a mikveh on Fridays before Shabbat and was embarrassed to be seen with a tattoo. However, it is not permitted to erase the name of God! A great Rabbi was consulted and the dilemma was resolved.

    A tattoo is defined in Jewish law as any word, letter or picture that is marked on the skin by means of dye or ink, which is introduced under the surface of the skin either through piercing with a needle, scratching or cutting.

    The human body is holy and is perfectly designed by the Creator to fulfil its task in this world. The only permanent sign that may be made on a Jewish person is the sign of circumcision, the covenant between God and Abraham and his descendants. Any other permanent mark or mutilation is a desecration of the human body. (Some commentaries say that the ban on tattoos was also intended to prevent imitation of the practices of some idolaters, who would tattoo their skin when a loved one passed away)

    Best wishes from the Team