Targum on Genesis 49:10


shalom aleichem dear rabbi

in “targum jerusalem and targum jonathan on genesis 49: 10” we read:

“nor sapherim teaching the law from his children’s children,”

“nor sapherim teaching the law from his seed,”

first question: What does this phrase mean? “sapherim teaching the law”

i’m confused!

second question: What does this word “sapherim” mean?

at last: why are these targums like each other?

best wishes



  1. I do not know what the word “sepherim” means. I assume it is a transliterated version of the original word in Aramaic, which is “sabarin”.

    The various Targums do not necessarily introduce brand new concepts and ideas. They are basically Aramaic translations with various differences when they are trying to impart a novel concept that is not easily understood from the simple understanding of the words. That is why they very often have the same basic syntax to them.

    Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team

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