Swimming During Nine Days for Therapeutic Purposes


My Occupational Therapist urges me to swim 3 times a week as post-surgery therapy for a broken wrist. She says the water gliding will give me more mobility and accelerate healing. I have done this for a month already and it definitely seems to help.

My question is, can I swim during the 9 days starting tonight for therapeutic reasons?


Thank you!

Sara F



  1. First, please accept my Brachah that you be blessed with a Refuah Shelaymah Bimheirah!

    It is permissible to swim for therapeutic purposes during the Nine Days. Perhaps it might be meritorious if you able to refrain from swimming from the week that Tisha b’Av falls out until after Tisha b’Av.

    Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team