Spouse Objecting to Kidney Donation
Through a database, I’ve been matched to a stranger who needs a kidney. I would like to donate one of my kidneys and save a life. But my wife is pitching a fit. She is upset that I am giving up so much for someone I have never met and will probably never meet and won’t have a kidney to donate if a family member needs one. I have tried to get everyone I can think of to talk to her, but she hasn’t changed her mind. She says she will divorce me if I do this. What is the right thing to do?
According to your description of the situation, the only correct way forwards is to listen to your wife and not to donate a kidney. While your wish to donate a kidney is clearly a reflection of your desire to help others and make the world a better place, in my humble opinion your altruistic desire should not come at the expense of your marital harmony.
Jewish belief teaches that when a person has a truly good desire that does not come to fruition, in the Spiritual Realms it is considered as if the person actually performed the action and they are rewarded accordingly. It would seem to me that your not being able to donate one of your kidneys right now falls into that category and you will be rewarded in the Heavenly Spheres as if you did.
Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team