Ships and Shabbos


can I go on a docked boat before shabbos and keep shabbat on it while it is docked in the same place? What if the gang plank is up but it isnt moving? Can I walk on and off it on shabbos?



  1. This issue is actually discussed as early as Talmudic times. The Talmud states it’s forbidden to set sail within three days of Shabbos. The commentaries offer many explanations for this rabbinic prohibition. The Shulchan Aruch cites the reason offered by Maimonides, that there is a concern that one might become seasick and this will interfere with the celebration of Shabbat. It generally takes three days to ‘get your sea legs.’

    However, because ships today are more stable than they used to be and motion sickness is less likely, Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch, shlita, permits traveling on such a ship within three days of Shabbat.

    By the way, there is no Halachic problem with remaining on board on Shabbat, but there is a Halachic problem disembarking (or boarding) a boat actually on Shabbat.

    Best wishes from the Team