Second Marriage


Are the rules of a wedding night the same if it’s a second marriage for the woman? Is there such a thing as niddah? Should you be trying to line up wedding with period the same way as you do for first marriage?



  1. As the Kallah is no longer a virgin, there is no necessity for the couple to physically separate after the first night. That means that it is normally simpler to schedule the date of the wedding. The Kallah should make a Hefsek Taharah, observe seven clean days, and immerse in a mikveh within four days of the wedding.

    On a more general note, the Kesuvah will not have the word “Besulah” written in it. Additionally, if it is a second marriage for both sides, Shevah Brochos are recited at the seudah immediately after the wedding but there is no necessity to have Shevah Brochos on any other day. If family or friends decide that they want to make a special celebration for the new couple, they may do so, but Shevah Brochos are not recited at the end of Birkas HaMazon.

    Best wishes from the Team