Rosh Chodesh Av


If the first day of the 9 days is Rosh Chodesh, then why is that day observed as a day of mourning? On the contrast, if it is a day of mourning, then why is Hallel still recited?



  1. It is an interesting question. One of the more famous statements of the Talmud is from Tractate Ta’anis 26b, “When the month of Av begins, we lessen our joy.” There is a comprehensive essay about whether Rosh Chodesh is included (there is a general disagreement between the Ashkenazic Poskim and the Sephardic Poskim), which can be read at:

    The reason that Hallel is recited is because the davening on Rosh Chodesh always follows the Avodah in the Beis Hamikdash.

    Best wishes from the Team