Rape by Deception (cont.)


To clarify, rape by deception is defined as a person misrepresenting something about themselves before l sex with a person (I don’t believe it’s rape). Also the your response’s phrasing was odd , what about women who coerce men into sex? Isn’t that rape in Halacha?



  1. Your description sounds to me as if it would fall into the Halachic category of seduction and not rape.

    I apologize if you thought my wording was odd. The vast majority of rape that occurs is with the man raping the woman and not the other way around which is why I phrased my answer as I did. Interestingly enough, the Halachos of rape and/or seduction revolve around a man raping or seducing a woman and not the other way around.

    Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team