Punishment for Off the Derech


What is the view in the eyes of Hashem of Jews who are raised orthodox and then go off the derech? How does Hashem typically punish those who do? Is the punishment severe? Are they denied a portion in Olam Haba for doing so?
Is one who goes off the derech and later returns, either fully or partially, still punished severely for the time they spent off the derech?
About half of diaspora Jews who are raised orthodox eventually do go off the derech. So does The All Merciful G-d really bring suffering upon 50% of those raised as Orthodox Jews just because they go off the derech?



  1. First, please allow me to take issue with your statistics. Half of the religious Jews in the Diaspora do not leave Orthodoxy. I don’t know who told you that, but it is simply not true.

    In any event, Hashem judges each person according to who they are. This means that two similar people with similar backgrounds may be judged very differently for their actions because the reasons they acted as they did are different. However, what is certain is that anyone who sincerely repents for having abandoned their Jewish way of life is forgiven by God. In fact, the Rabbis teach that the transgressions of a person whose repentance is absolutely sincere become merits in the eyes of God. The Rabbis explain that the reason for this is because, paradoxically, their many sins become their motivation to return to God and to live the life that God wants them to live.

    Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team