Perimenopause Management


I am going through perimenopause and one way that I am suffering is that I am not sleeping enough. Usually I wake up 4am and since I don’t get to sleep till 11pm most nights that means I end up sleep deprived. This has been going on for years, worse at some times, not as bad others. I have heard about HRT and am not sure about it- whether it is halachically permitted, safe or has other side effects that would outweigh its benefits. Ideally I would like a more natural approach to handle it. I wonder how detrimental this lack of sleep is long term to my health. But then I also think that if G-d made our bodies so that we would go through this experience during perimenopause then we shouldn’t unnaturally mess with our bodies because He wouldn’t approve. I was wondering if you could tell me if there are any halachic guidelines about this?




  1. Please allow me to suggest that thinking that about some kind of medical intervention is going against Hashem’s Will is not really correct. Hashem created the concept of doctors and medical assistance and getting medical help is generally something that the Halacha would recommend that a person do.

    In all events, I think that your question really needs someone with a very strong background in Medical Halacha to answer it definitively. Personally, I would suggest that you try contacting either Rabbi Asher Weiss: or Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz:

    Both Rabbi Weiss and Rabbi Tatz are internationally recognized experts in the field of Halacha and medicine and I am sure that either of them will be able to help you understand the Halachos involved.

    Best wishes from the Team