Not Fasting When Doctor and Rabbi Say Fasting is Safe


A person has been told that in the opinion of a doctor and/or rabbi (or multiple doctors and/or rabbis), they are able to safely fast. But they personally feel that fasting (or eating less food than normal) could be detrimental to their health. Are they permitted not to fast?



  1. It is hard to offer a definitive answer without being aware of the details, but in general the Halacha is to follow whatever one’s doctor and Rabbi say. In the same way that it is a Mitzvah to eat when the doctor and the Rabbi say that a sick person should eat, so too it is a Mitzvah to Fast when the doctor and the Rabbi say that they can Fast.

    Personally, I would suggest that the person speak with their doctor again and explain to the doctor their fears – and then do as the doctor says.

    Best wishes from the Team