Nine Days: Exercise and Pleasure


I’m aware that most opinions are that swimming during the nine days is not allowed, unless it is for exercise and is not to cool off and is not enjoyable.
Without making this a detailed discussion, I use swimming for exercise, which is important right now as I’m between multiple surgeries (trying to keep physically active and strong), but the truth is that I do enjoy swimming, and it IS something that cools me off, just by the fact that I live in an area with temps over 110 degrees.
Am I permitted to swim 1) on Rosh Chodesh Av, and/or 2) during the nine days?
Thank you.



  1. All the Ashkenazic Poskim rule that swimming for pleasure during the Nine Days is forbidden. However, if there is a health reason for swimming, it is be permissible to swim.

    Personally, I think that the simplest thing to do is to ask your doctor if he/she feels that swimming would be beneficial to your health. If they say yes, you can swim even if you are enjoying yourself as well.

    Perhaps, it might be correct to stop swimming from the Sunday that Tisha b’Av falls out (11th of August), as the actual week that Tisha b’Av falls is considered by many to be even more intense.

    Best wishes from the Team