Mezuzah: Who Guards Our Doors?


Can you explain the significance of having a mezuzah on your house and its power to guard the household, as opposed to it being just a superstitious belief? Thank you!



  1. Can you explain the significance of having a
    mezuzah on your house and its power to guard the
    household, as opposed to it being just a superstitious
    belief? Thank you!

    The mitzvah to put up a mezuzah is taught twice in the Torah. The
    first two paragraphs of the “Shema Yisrael” are written in the mezuzah since
    these two paragraphs mention mezuzah.

    Jewish tradition teaches that in the merit of the mezuzah God protects our
    houses. Why should this be? There is no magic involved, and the explanation
    is relatively simple. Because the degree of God’s involvement in our
    lives is directly proportional to the degree that we are conscious and aware
    of Him, the more that we are reminded of God’s presence, the more of His
    presence we will experience. The mezuzah is a vital element in creating
    and maintaining that awareness, and Divine protection is the result.
    This idea of the mezuzah and “home security” is related by the Talmud in a
    fascinating episode:

    Onkelos, the brilliant nephew of the Roman Emperor Titus, converted to
    Judaism and became a disciple of the Jewish Sages. Hearing this, Titus
    sent a brigade of soldiers to bring him back to Rome. But when Onkelos
    engaged the soldiers in discussion and showed them the beauty of Torah,
    they converted to Judaism.

    Titus then sent another brigade, instructing them not to speak to Onkelos,
    but with the same result: They too converted to Judaism.

    Finally Titus sent a third brigade and instructed them not even to listen to
    Onkelos. When they were leading Onkelos away, Onkelos placed his hand
    on the mezuzah and said, “What is that?”

    “You tell us,” the soldiers said.

    “Normally, a human king sits inside and his servants stand outside and
    guard him. But, the Holy One, Blessed is He, His servants are inside and
    He guards them from outside.”

    They too converted. Titus sent no more soldiers.

    Best wishes from the Team