Mezuzah Insights


Dear Rabbi,

I am shopping for a new kosher mezuzah and was wondering how important the reasons and benefits of the mezuzah scroll are before I spend a lot of money, according to my budget, on a nice and kosher one.

Thank you!



  1. Here are a few important reasons and benefits you gain from getting and putting up a nice and kosher mezuzah on your doorpost(s).

    The mezuzah reminds us whenever we enter and leave our homes about the fundamentals of our faith in God. In the words of Maimonides: “Whenever a person enters his home, he immediately encounters the unity of the Holy One, blessed is He, and remembers his love for Him. This awakens him from his slumber and excessive involvement in the vanities of this world and reminds him that nothing lasts forever except for one’s knowledge of God. He then returns to his good senses and proper conduct.”

    Rabbi Samson Rafael Hirsch explains that a mezuzah dedicates the house as an abode where God is always present and where the service of God is fulfilled, thus testifying that all that occurs in one’s life is accomplished through God. Once a person dedicates his house to Hashem with a mezuzah, the Divine Presence comes to rest in that home, which means that Hashem lives together with the residents.

    The Divine Presence is manifest on the mezuzah and protects the home. A great Rabbi suggests that the letters of the Divine name Shin-Dalet-Yud, which are customarily inscribed on the outside of the mezuzah parchment, allude to the phrase “Shomer Daltot Yisrael (Guardian of the doors of Israel).” The Zohar says that the letters of the word “mezuzot” can be rearranged to spell “zaz mavet,” meaning that “death moves away.” This alludes to the idea that the mezuzah prevents harmful spiritual forces from entering the Jewish home. The Maharal explains that by affixing a mezuzah, whereby one is placing his home and family at the service of the King of the universe, it follows that the Divine Sovereign would spread His protective wings over those who have taken refuge in Him and guard them from all harm. The Zohar also says that God protects the residents of a house with a mezuzah from the time they leave the house until the time they return, as it is written, “Hashem will protect your goings and comings.” (Psalm 121:8)

    Best wishes from the Team