Mayim Achronim


Dear Rabbi I wanted to know if women should wash mayim achronim before bentching? If women are excempt can youl Please explain the reason so I can better understand it. If there’s no reason why a women shouldn’t do it I would love to beautify my mitzvah with this! -bli neder. I usually only wash my hands like netails yadaim bli bracha before bentching because of crumbs or oils my hand might have gathered while eating but I was curious if I should wash more mayim achronim like my bentcher indicates. I have no family minhag as I am a giyores. Also curious regarding not leaving any utensils in the table after eating (I know the reason is more than hygiene) is there’s any special reason why people are so careful about this ? I am the mother of a sweet toddler who one day will ask me this question trying to learn more so I am equipped for when that happens Iy”H

I learned all this back in seminary but it’s been awhile I can’t remember.

Thank you in advance!


Thank you in advance! ☺️



  1. Mayim achaonim is an obligation for both men and women. I have seen places where women do it away from the table but this is only as a matter of convenience.

    Of course you may wash your hands or clean them with a napkin or towel before mayim achronim if you wish. One idea for m.a. is so the hands should be clean in honor of the blessings said to God after the meal.

    The utensils that should be removed before birkat hamazon are metal knives. The table is like an altar and not a fitting place for a tool of death. Other silverware may be removed, if desired, but the reason would be for extra tidiness.

    I hope these answers are helpful and wish you and your toddler much happiness and success.

    Best wishes from the Team