Mashiach ben Yosef


Who is Meshiach ben Yoseph, and where can I find more information about him?



  1. According to Jewish Tradition, there will be two Messiahs. One will be Mashiach ben Yosef and the other will be Mashiach ben David. The Mashiach ben Yosef will precede Mashiach ben David, and the Sages teach it is very possible that his identity will remain unknown.

    What is the reason for such a tradition? Before the spiritual advent of the Messianic Era, it is necessary to have a form of mirror image that is physical in nature. Just as Yosef was the physical provider of the Jewish People, so too will the physical needs of the Jewish People be taken care of before the Mashiach ben David can rule. That is why Tradition teaches that Mashiach ben Yosef will be killed in battle against the enemies of Israel.

    Knowing who that person is will have no bearing on whether he will be “allowed” to fulfill his destiny. The only thing that it would do is place the most unbearable pressure on him. Aside from keeping the Commandments and living a life dedicated to God’s service, there is very little information available. The Rambam, Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, states that since we have no way of knowing what will be, one should not spend too much time mulling over the End of Days and the Messianic Era.

    Best wishes from the Team