Making Up Missed Shacharit


If you miss davening Shacharit and you have to make it up at Mincha, do you just recite Amidah twice, or do you also include other prayers that are normally part of Shacharit. And if you do, where and in what order do you include them?



  1. Aside from davening the Minchah Amidah twice (you should have in mind that the first Amidah you daven is for Minchah and the second one is to make up for the missed Amidah at Shacharit), you need to daven the Shema without the Brachot before and after. In any event, Birchot HaTorah need to be said even if you are not going to be davening Minchah until later on. There is actually no reason not to daven all of Pesukei d’Zimrah, even though there is no obligation to do so.

    Best wishes from the Team