Levels of Tzedakah (Charity)


Rabbi, thank you for taking time to read and respond to my question.

What level of tzedakah is giving on behalf of another? For example, if someone is having a birthday and one gives to a cause they support, what level would that be?



  1. It is a very high level of Tzedakah. Giving to worthy cause means that the person donating does not know the exact identity of the recipient. A donation made in this way, such that the recipient will not have cause for embarrassment when seeing you, is considered highly altruistic and is one of the highest levels of giving Tzedakah.

    Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team

  2. Thank you for your answer. I wonder, is giving blood a form of tzedakah?

  3. It is not Tzedaka. Rather it is a Chesed. However, it is only a Mitzvah to give blood when the is being given to a fellow Jew.

    Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team