Laws of Science and Miracles


In Jewish belief, is it possible for anything to happen in modern times that is absolutely impossible within the laws of science?



  1. What a fascinating question! Judaism teaches that since the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, overt miracles that are obviously supernatural do not really take place. This means that there will be some kind of natural explanation even for those things that we cannot explain.

    For example, in West Point they teach the theory of warfare to the officer cadets. Part of the course is teaching them about different wars and the military theory behind them. Decades ago, there was one war that West Point did not try to teach – the Six Day War. In 1967, the Israeli army beat a combined Arab army that was many times more powerful than them in both manpower and firepower. Not only that, but within the brief period of six days, the Israeli army managed to conquer large areas, including the old city of Jerusalem. Why was it not part of the military tactics lectures in West Point? Because the military tacticians in West Point felt that there was nothing that they could teach the cadets, because that entire victory defied logic and was “obviously” miraculous!

    Best wishes from the Team