Kiddush Over Mevushal Wine or Sugar-Added Wine


Good day,

Is non-mevushal wine to which sugar was added (such as Kedem’s Cream Rose) subject to the laws of maga akum? Or not, as sugar is like honey, and then Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Daiah 123:4 would apply?

In terms of chumros, what’s better to make kiddush on:
1. Non-mevushal, sugar-added wine
2. Mevushal, no sugar added

Thank you and kol tuv,



  1. The Rambam rules that any wine that could not be brought as a libation to the Temple cannot be used for Kiddush. That would include all mevushal wine and any wine that has had sugar or honey added to it. However, the majority opinion does not follow the Rambam and all mevushal and sugar-added wines are permissible to be used for Kiddush.

    Which one is preferable? The Shulchan Aruch and the Ramah rule (272:8) that the best choice is to make Kiddush over the wine that you prefer.

    Best wishes from the Team