Kashering Salad Servers


In error I used a pair of silver/aluminium salad servers which were fleishik for a milk salad. How do I kasher them back to meat?



  1. If the salad was cold, then there is not much that you need to do – the servers should just be washed carefully and they can then be used again for fleishig.

    If there was something hot in the salad, then the servers need to be kashered. They need to be put into a pot of bubbling hot water for a short period of time, and the water has to be so hot that it does not stop bubbling when they are put in it. The servers then need to be taken out (NOT BY HAND!!!) and dunked into a pot of cold water – and then they can be used fleishigs again.

    Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team