Israel Today


I am a Christian, and in my Scripture engagement group today, the question the question was asked; “If God is the God of Israel and defends Israel then why did he allow not only the tragedy of Oct. 7th, but why does he permit the continued fighting?”



  1. Excellent question. In order to receive the beautiful promises that God made to His Chosen Nation we must first live as God demands from us. That means that we must live our lives according to the dictates of the Torah and that we should be focused on the spiritual dimensions that are found in this physical world that we inhabit. Until that happens God will continue to send us “reminders” that we are not following His Will. Consistently, throughout Jewish history, such “reminders” have always involved persecution and what is happening to today is no different. God is telling us in no uncertain terms that we must return to Him wholeheartedly and then we will be the recipients of His most beautiful blessings.

    Best wishes from the Team