Inviting a Non-Jew to Pesach Seder


Can a non new come to Passover Seder ?



  1. According to the Babylonian Talmud, Beitzah 20b and 21b and the Code of Jewish Law, Orach Chaim 512:1 one should not invite non-Jews to Yom Tov (Festival) meals – including Seder Night. It is, however, permitted to invite a non-Jew for a Shabbat meal.

    If the non-Jew comes without an invitation, however, it is permitted to host him at the Seder. For example, if he shows up and asks if he can join, and you say that you have no objection, this would not fall under the category of “inviting him” for a Yom Tov meal – something which would be forbidden according to Jewish Law, as mentioned about.

    Best wishes from the Team