Hebrew Date of Birth Day


I was born on May 19, 1958:

Can you tell me the Hebrew date for my birthday?

Can you tell me the parshah portion for my Bar Mitzvah?



  1. If you were born before nightfall then your Hebrew birth date is Monday the 29th of Iyar in the year 5718. If you were born after nightfall your birthday is considered to be the next day, which is Wednesday the 1st of Sivan.

    In both cases the Torah Portion for your Bar Mitzvah was Parshat Bamidbar (the day before the Festival of Shavuot), and your Haftarah was from the Book of Hohsea 2:1-22.

    Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team

  2. If you were born before nightfall then your Hebrew birth date is Monday the 29th of Iyar in the year 5718. If you were born after nightfall your birthday is considered to be the next day, which is Wednesday the 1st of Sivan.

    In both cases the Torah Portion for your Bar Mitzvah was Parshat Bamidbar (the day before the Festival of Shavuot), and your Haftarah was from the Book of Hohsea 2:1-22.

    Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team