Hear O Israel!


Dear Rabbi,

What is so special about the Shema Yisrael prayer that is central to Judaism?




  1. The prayer begins: “Hear O Israel, God is our Lord, God is One.”

    In Hebrew, “Shema Yisrael, Hashem Elokeinu, Hashem Echad” are the most famous words in the Jewish world. As well as being recited twice a day during the morning and evening prayer services, these magical words are recited when we go to sleep at night, they are said next to the baby the night before his Brit Milah, they are recited during the Festival prayers, they are said when the Sefer Torah is removed from the Holy Ark, and more.

    What is it about the Shema that makes it the bedrock of our relationship with Hashem? The first line – “Shema Yisrael, Hashem Elokeinu, Hashem Echad” – portrays the unique relationship that exists between Hashem and the Jewish nation. It also encapsulates our eternity. Our Sages teach that it is a prayer of acceptance that God is our King. This idea is often referred to as “Acceptance of the Heavenly Yoke.”

    However, the basest urge of people is to be completely free, without any restraints. Not to be beholden to anyone or anything. So, why do we place such great importance on reciting – with focus and fervor – that we accept on ourselves a Heavenly Yoke, which by its very name denotes boundaries and a expresses our desire to forgo our freedom to act wantonly, without any limitation whatsoever?

    When we say the Shema prayer, we accept allegiance to God by recognizing that He is our King. We acknowledge that He controls us and sustains us. And we declare that He grants us access to an existence indescribably superior to anything the physical world has to offer.

    Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team