Gevinat Akum cont.


Thanks for answering my question about Rav Moshe’s psak, but the articles explained the reasoning and not the fundamental of my question, is the definition of hard cheese in Halacha the same as in Issur veheter, aged 6 months, or is a separate definition used for gevinat akum



  1. In general, the definition of hard cheese is as appears in the Shulchan Aruch. However, some Poskim, most notably Rav Elyashiv, rule that nowadays all yellow cheese is considered to be hard cheese regardless of how long it takes to make.

    With regards to Gevinas Akum, the Shulchan Aruch rules that all Gevinas Akum is prohibited regardless of how it is made.

    There is a comprehensive essay about the subject that can be read at:

    Best wishes from the Team