Female Homosexuality
Hey, I was just wondering what the limits are for what is halachically permissible for homosexual women.
Can they live with each other? Raise children together? Touch without having full intercourse? What are the more lenient and stricter opinions for what women can do with each other physically and in terms of having relationships that can resemble marriage in some ways? Or are female homosexuals actually supposed to stay alone or find a man in a similar situation, and is either choice required? These are the questions that have been on my mind recently, but I’d really appreciate any information I might be missing or guidance for where I can find out more, since I’m uncomfortable asking people in person am having a hard time figuring out what the upshot of the sources on the topic are. Thanks.
I apologize if I sound trite but the Halachic parameters for lesbianism are that it is forbidden. What is true is that the prohibition is not as severe as homosexuality.
The prohibition against lesbianism is mentioned in the Babylonian Talmud, Shabbat 65a and it is legislated as prohibited in Maimonides, Laws of Prohibited Relationships 21:8. Maimonides maintains that it is a Biblical prohibition, based on the verse that states “you shall not follow the abominations of the Egyptians”. The Code of Jewish Law, Even HaEzer, 20:2 quotes the Rambam that this is “an act of Egypt” implying that there is a Biblical prohibition.
Whilst I truly understand why you might be hesitant to approach someone local with the practical dimensions of your questions, I feel that it is the only logical way to go about trying to find the answers as, I am sure, that your questions will lead to other questions. Which is why, in my humble opinion, a wise and sensitive person is really needed to help you try to understand the Halacha.
Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team