Extramarital Relations to Have Children


If a man is married to a barren woman and he loves her and does not wish to divorce her, is it permitted for him to have a relationship with another woman that his wife consents to in order for him to have children, just like Abraham did with Hagar?



  1. No. It is completely forbidden. What is a possibility according to Jewish Law is surrogacy. However, if the couple are interested in trying surrogacy, they should first speak with an Orthodox Rabbi who is an expert in the laws, as they are both sensitive and complex.

    Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team

  2. If that’s the case, what made it permissible for Abraham to do it with Hagar?

  3. In the first place Abraham married Hagar. He did not have an extramarital relationship with her. Whilst it is true that polygamy was permitted according t the Torah nevertheless for a thousand it has been banned which means that it is forbidden for a man to marry another woman whilst he is still married to his first wife. Together with that is the fact that Abraham lived before the Giving of the Torah on Sinai which formalized all of the Laws after the Jewish Nation committed to keeping them.

    Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team