Cutting First Born Son Out of Will


I have always thought a first born is supposed to get a greater inheritance. Unfortunately my son who is my first born has done some things that are so bad and unforgivable and he will never change his ways and I wish to cut him out of my will. Besides him, I have two wonderful daughters. I wish to split everything between them 50-50. Is this okay?



  1. In theory there is no Halachic issue with removing your son from your Will. ASs you write, under normal circumstances, a first-born son receives a larger inheritance than his siblings. However, if there is an overriding reason to amend a Will it is permissible to do so so long as it is done in the Halachically correct fashion.

    Please allow me to suggest that before you make any final decisions, you speak with a wise and sensitive Rabbi who has ample experience with both Halachic Will writing and with difficult family dynamics for advice.

    Best wishes from the Team