Contemporary Family Purity


In the laws of family purity, there are two categories, women who are niddah, and women who are Zavah. A niddah is a woman who experiences her menstrual cycle, whereas a Zavah is a woman with a spontaneous uterine discharge unrelated to her menstrual cycle. If a woman decides to “skip a period” by taking menstruation suppression therapy, and then menstruates after her normal cycle, does she have the status of a Niddah (just with a delayed cycle), or is this considered a Zavah (spontaneous discharge)?



  1. She would be considered to be Niddah. Delaying her monthly cycle does not mean that when her monthly cycle begins that it is anything other than her monthly cycle. Aside from that, the status of a Zavah is not applied nowadays, and all blood that originates from within a woman is regarded as Niddah. The only exceptions is when it is clear that the blood is coming from an internal wound.

    Best wishes from the Team