College Work on Chol HaMoed
Hello, I am a student in a non Jewish college, getting my degree in ultrasound. It is a very intense program and there are many tasks and assignments that I need to complete daily. I already spoke to the director and she wanted to know what I can and can’t do on Chol Hamoed. What are the laws/ leeways/ rules… regarding school work then. Am I allowed to go to classes then, can I do online assignments etc.?
First, please allow me to give you a Brachah that you pass all your courses!
It is permissible to go to your classes and do your online assignments if there is no alternative. It is hard to quantify exactly what “no alternative” means, but it could mean, for example, that for one class you have to attend and write notes and in another class you just need to attend without having to write notes. Or, possibly, you can ask another person in the class if you can copy her notes after Yom Tov.
Best wishes from the Team