Being Orthodox Wearing Pants


I am interested in becoming more religious as a Jew. I like almost everything about Orthodox Judaism. But there is one thing I can’t get myself to do. I know that orthodox women wear skirts all the time. Supposedly it is about modesty. But I can’t see myself wearing skirts daily or even occasionally. The irony is I feel immodest to the point of feeling naked whenever I wear a skirt or dress. I feel paranoid that men might be looking under my skirt, no matter how long it is. I just feel so unsafe. I don’t have these worries when I wear pants.
I want to become orthodox and be accepted by the orthodox community. But I fear this might be a barrier. Can I still be orthodox even if I wear pants if I do everything else orthodox women do? Can I go to an orthodox synagogue? Can I take part in gatherings in the orthodox community?



  1. Can you be Orthodox and wear pants? Yes, without a doubt. As a person starts to grow into a more religious lifestyle they take on all kinds of things that they feel that are able to do and some of the more difficult things are left for later. Such an approach is actually an integral part of a person’s spiritual growth.

    How will you be viewed by those in the Orthodox community that you wish to belong to? My hope is that you will be accepted for who you are – and where you are in your spiritual journey. I would hope that no one will say anything to you about your wearing pants. Can I guarantee that? No, unfortunately, I cannot. Sometimes there are those who do not understand and who will feel an obligation of some kind to say something. The only thing that I can advise you is not to take to heart whatever they say and not to allow their unfounded criticism stop you from continuing your spiritual journey.

    In any event, what I would strongly suggest is that you try to build up a relationship with the Rabbi’s wife in the community that you would like to be a part of, as I am sure that she will be able to offer you spiritual support, practical tips and sincere friendship.

    Best wishes from the Team