Atonement for Spreading COVID


Several weeks ago, I had a mild case of COVID. I knew it at the time, but I felt mostly well and I went to a wedding to which I was invited that I didn’t want to miss. I wore a mask most of the time I was there, but took it off at times to eat and drink. I later learned that several people who attended that wedding caught COVID soon after. None of them got terribly sick, but I just heard that one man who probably caught it from me had to miss his nephew’s bar mitzvah. Now suddenly I feel remorseful. How do I make amends? Is there anyone to whom I should apologize?



  1. While it is almost impossible to know for certain if you passed on COVID to any of the other participants at the wedding, nevertheless, I think that you should try and ask forgiveness for possibly infecting anyone who was present who you know contracted COVOD immediately after the wedding.

    Best wishes from the Team