Arguing for Orthodox Judaism (continued)


I’ve asked this before but I’ll ask again because it’s more contextually relevant, I asked how to convince non Orthodox Jews of orthodoxy and you said to show them, but in a context where you can’t or they won’t engage then what arguments can one put out that orthodoxy is the only authentic tradition (for example I know a pro abortion reconstructionist woman who says the past has a vote not a veto, or reform Jews, or conservative Jews who say they’re halachic and that gay marriage is kosher because some conservative rabbis interpret the Torah that way etc)



  1. I am not quite sure why you imagine that there are arguments for someone who is not interested in understanding what Judaism is, what the Torah commands us, and how Halacha is formulated. In simple terms, what they are saying is, “Please don’t confuse me with the facts.”

    Best wishes from the Team