Another “Spirit”


Numbers 14:24 says, “But My servant Kaleb, because he had another spirit with him, and has followed Me fully, him will I bring into the land where he went into; and his seed shall possess it.

What other “spirit” was with Kaleb? Was it the “Shkanyah” – Divine glory?” and “dweller with Hashem” that is spelled Shin~Kaf~Nun~Yud~Hei?

The verse seems to imply that this other “spirit” reflects complete obedience to the will of G-d.

What was different about Kaleb such that this other “spirit” was to abide with him?

I find it interesting that the Torah doesn’t imply this other ” spirit” was ” within” Kaleb — or does it?



  1. The Rabbis explain that Kalev had a twofold spirit. One was in his mouth and the other hidden in his heart. When he spoke with the dissenting spies, he told them he was with them. But, in his heart he was really not with them, and he intended to tell the truth on their return to the Jewish encampment in the desert.

    Best wishes from the Team