According to Halacha, a minyan requires some people who didn’t hear kriyat Torah in it in order to fulfill the mitzvah of kriyat Torah. Assuming there’s a kosher minyan (ten adult Jewish males), who don’t have enough who haven’t heard it (been to previous shacharit services) can women who haven’t heard it be included to fulfill it?

Hi, Is it halachically permissible for a women to work out in a co-ed gym if she is fully dressed? Thanks, Malka

Hi, this is a follow up on the female homosexuality question from a few days ago. Thank you for responding, I’ll try to be more specific. From the teshuvot I’ve read it looks like there’s a prohibition against women being nasim mesolelot and a second prohibition against their following the ways of Egypt/marrying each other. Obviously women can do physical activities like holding hands and can have relationships that share a few things in common with marriages, like sharing housing, but there are physical actions that obviously go too far/violate nasim mesolelot, and there are relationships that obviously resemble marriage closely/violate כמעשה ארץ מצרים. I understand the categories broadly, but haven’t been able to find a source that explains what the criteria are for either prohibition. I'm becoming unsure that it exists really. I've asked the question unsuccessfully but am uncomfortable involving the remaining people I would ask. Sorry for the repeated question, thanks in advance.

Hey, I was just wondering what the limits are for what is halachically permissible for homosexual women. Can they live with each other? Raise children together? Touch without having full intercourse? What are the more lenient and stricter opinions for what women can do with each other physically and in terms of having relationships that can resemble marriage in some ways? Or are female homosexuals actually supposed to stay alone or find a man in a similar situation, and is either choice required? These are the questions that have been on my mind recently, but I’d really appreciate any information I might be missing or guidance for where I can find out more, since I’m uncomfortable asking people in person am having a hard time figuring out what the upshot of the sources on the topic are. Thanks.

I know women’s singing is not allowed in front of men who are not related to u but is rhyming okay? like a women saying a poem at Sheva Brachos? (which men are attending) please answer asap because I want to say it at shabbos Sheva Brachos in a few days

Hi, many people regardless of gender or sex may experience a hormonal period without the bleeding. I'm an intersex trans man, which means I was upbringed as female, my sex is a mix of male and female characteristics and I identify as a man, am I in a state of niddah during a period without bleeding? Does the same go for non-intersex cis women and trans men on testosterone who sometimes experience it, what about cis men or trans women on estrogen?

Are women obligated to mention Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh, Yom Tov, Hanukkah etc. when bentching on those holidays or no since its time bound

Women are not obligated In wearing teffilin, however, many (especially Ashkenazi) communities allow them to voluntarily observe it for a mitzvah (to my understanding with a Berachah). If a woman is of this custom, do the laws of Chatzitzah apply to her as they do for a man (who is generally obligated in teffilin)

I was curious, what are general Jewish views on feminism. The reason I ask is because many feminists say Judaism, like other faiths, is misogynistic/sexist, due to lack of female leadership, modesty laws, etc. so what should the outlook be?

Hace mucho que me preguntava si cuando va a ser tu tevila tu puedes eleguir a tu rabina para no sentirte incomoda si es alguin que no quieres que este.