I want to write down the Torah for a deeper understanding about the Torah text. The original Torah is written in Hebrew. Is it OK for a Noahide to write down the Torah text in Hebrew? How about in English or in Korean? Is it permissible?  

My teacher suggested avoiding at least some TV shows and video games because of the violence and immorality. I’m not asking your opinion about TV, but, based on this reasoning shouldn’t one also avoid Torah study since it also tells about historical violent and immoral acts? Thanks, Rabbi.

Could you please explain the purpose of Chronicles in the Bible? It begins with lots of genealogies from Adam on. Then it recaps stories from the 2 Books of Samuel (including King David) and from the 2 Books of Kings. Why are these recaps necessary? Does Chronicles also recap other parts of the Bible - Torah, Joshua, Judges, Prophets?

Isaiah 19:25 Which the Lord of Hosts blessed them, saying, "Blessed is My People Egypt, and the work of My hands Assyria, and My heritage Israel." Christians say this verse implies that gentiles will be the People of God through Jesus. Is it true? What is the proper interpretation of this verse?

Hi Rabbi, I’m Jewish but never had any formal Jewish education. I want to start studying but also need to work, so I’m wondering if Torah study is meant for someone like me or only for fulltime scholars. Thanks!

Follow-Up to Avraham, Nachor, and Haran Genesis 11:26 And Terah lived SEVENTY YEARS, and he begot Abram, Nahor, and Haran. One commentary states that Terah was not 70 when Abraham was born, rather Terah was 130. Terah died at 205 and Abraham was 75 when he left Haran. 205 - 75 = 130. What is your opinion about Terah's age at Abraham's birth - 70 years old or 130 years old?