Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. Thank you for answering my last question. Sanhedrin 37a says that Adam was created alone so that one would not be able to tell his fellow that his father was greater than his father. But how can this be the reason, when Kayin's father was Satan in the guise of the nachash, not Adam HaRishon, as brought in Pirkei d' R' Eliezer 21? So we see that some people descended from the serpent, and not everyone descended from Adam HaRishon. Is the answer that Hashem knew that all of the b'nei Kayin would die in the flood, so He knew beforehand that Adam would be the father of everyone? But that doesn't explain the fact that before the flood, the b'nei Adam could have told the b'nei Kayin that their father was better than their father.

Hi Rabbi, What is the Haftarah? I read that it is a section that is read in the Synagogue after the weekly Torah portion each week, but what does it mean? Thank you and Shabbat Shalom.

"Then Joshua spoke to the Lord on the day when the Lord made the Amorites lose the war against the sons of Israel. He said, in the eyes of Israel, “O sun, stand still at Gibeon. O moon, stand still in the valley of Aijalon." (Joshua 10:12) This seems very strange to me since if sun does not move, there would be trouble with the functioning of the universe. So, what happened at that time?

  Good morning Sir, here in the Philippines my name is Mr.Andrian Clintton P. Garcia, but you can call me by my nickname A.C for ANDRIAN CLINTTON, as you can judge, I'm a FILIPINO by RACE and my only tongues are FILIPINO and ENGLISH, I understand HEBREW, ARAMAIC, and GREEK by TRANSLATION APP using P.C or SMARTPHONE. My question is: Is it accurate or correct to translate and to call the TORAH as LAW, but the name itself can be translated as TEACHING or INSTRUCTION? The term LAW also is used for the other calling of the WRITTEN TORAH, it is called also WRITTEN LAW and also in the ORAL TORAH, it is also called ORAL LAW for other callings.

In parshas Noah ,the Torah says ,that Noah brought with him ,every living being. As we know, the story of Noah took place in the middle east, when Noah landed, the Torah says,''every living being on the earth , every creeping thing ,and every bird and ,every thing that moves on the earth, by their families, came out of the ark''. Based on this premise that they are landing and letting all animals off in the middle east, how are there animals in America, which has thousands of miles of ocean between the middle east? And how are there animals which are only native to certain parts of the world and not the middle east?