Rabbi, what if Hashem has chosen to recently reveal the original Torah seen on Har Sinai to humanity? Why two Genesis days of creating light, one the first day of creation and a second described on day three? What was the source of the light on day one? On February 28, 1953, Cambridge University scientists James Watson and Francis H.C. Crick announced the discovery of the double-helix structure of DNA, the molecule containing the exponentially complex genetic code for life in every living cell on planet earth. G-d's encrypted code for formed humans from dust and the existence of all life. If Hashem created everything, would something like this specter be simply a coincidence? Hashem brought the people from Egypt to Sinai for the covenant evidenced with tremendous fire, thunder, and His voice. Deuteronomy 4:11-12 “You came forward and stood at the foot of the mountain. The mountain was ablaze with flames to the very skies, dark with densest clouds. The LORD spoke to you out of the fire; you heard the sound of words but perceived no shape—nothing but a voice.” NASA’s Spitzer telescope visualized an 80 light-years-long formation in our galaxy that duplicates the formation (not a nebula) of Crick and Watson’s human genesis DNA. A double helix with crossbars and telomeres at both ends. Hashem created this universe and all it contains, begs the question, why would this heavenly formation not be the encrypted Torah with its 22 original letters exponentially encrypted instead of four nucleic acid genomes as a screen for this universe and all it contains? NASA Finding – may be the source of that light. Scientists and astronomers theorize this formation to be a nebula as science today is based solely on materialistic concepts. The idea of an Intelligent Designer/Programmer or Hashem is considered fiction by the scientific community. Devarim 30:11-12 “Surely, this Instruction which I enjoin upon you this day is not too baffling for you, nor is it beyond reach. It is not in the heavens that you should say “Who among us can go up to the heavens and get it for us and impart it to us, that we may observe it?" Could Hashem have now revealed His original Torah as seen and heard on Sinai? Robert Mandel

Hi Rabbi, I came across a reference to something in Judaism called “Perek Shira.” I looked up the translation and saw it means “Chapter of Song.” This sounds intriguing and I would appreciate your telling me more about its significance. Thanks!

Hi Rabbi, I was wondering how it can be determined that the Torah was truly given by the Almighty and not by a person? Thanks and Shabbat Shalom.

Let me state my question more clearly; Habakkuk 3:3: אֱל֙וֹהַּ֙ מִתֵּימָ֣ן יָב֔וֹא וְקָד֥וֹשׁ מֵהַר־פָּארָ֖ן…… “Eloh is coming from Teman, and The Holy One from Mount Paran …..” "Eloh" is God... so who is "The Holy One"? I mean, if both are the same, why is this verse talking about the coming of TWO persons? First "Eloh".... AND second "The Holy One"? Is there a grammatical reason?

In Habakkuk 3:3 we read: אֱל֙וֹהַּ֙ מִתֵּימָ֣ן יָב֔וֹא וְקָד֥וֹשׁ מֵהַר־פָּארָ֖ן...... "God is coming from Teman, and The Holy One from Mount Paran ....." I could never understand why this verse is like this. Does this part of the verse refer to two persons? Please help me. I'm so confused.

Why is there a dot on the top right side of the first Aleph in Genesis 1:3?