Why is the vowel associated with the lamed changed from Kawmatz to Patawch in the following phrases: From Grace in Haggadah: And build up Jerusalem [patawch lamed] 7 Haggadah: Accepted: Next year in Jerusalem! [kawmatz lamed]

gan ~ (Gimmel Nun) garden~enclosure~fig of bride~Garden of Eden. The following words contain gan (Gimmel Nun): goren ~threshing floor~barn~corn~void place (Gimmel Resh Nun) Isn't the heart a threshing place for stamping out iniquity? ragan~Verb~rebel~ grumble~murmur~backbiter~(Resh~Gimmel~Nun) Wouldn't whispering and complaining occur inwardly? Goshen "drawing near" (Gimmel~ Shin ~Nun) Isn't the place where G-d is nearest us is inside the heart chamber. anag~Verb~to be soft~ dainty pliable~effeminate~ delight (Ayin Nun Gimmel) Aren't these actions derived in the heart? Of course gan (Gimmel Nun) may not always be heart related, however this word gan (Gimmel Nun) has a much deeper meaning beyond its surface meaning.  

Hello Rabbi, I am exploring the concept of 'coverings' as it appears throughout the Tanakh; however, I am a novice of Hebrew and was hoping you could clarify for me the scope of meaning for the word kippur, as in Yom Kippur. I know that kippur is most often translated as 'atonement', and carries with it the idea of expiation or cleansing from one's sins. I have also heard, however, that it carries with it the sense of 'covering', as in a covering over of one's sins, and that it may be related to the word kippah, as in the traditional Jewish head covering. Is 'covering' an acceptable translation of the word kippur? Many thanks for your time and consideration!

Hello, a question i have if you don't mind is regarding "sorcery". What exactly is "sorcery"? In Greek it is "pharmakia" and that sounds like "pharmacy". Also if you look the word "sorcery" up in a Strongs concordance where it gives you the Hebrew definition for the definition, it uses words like "drug" and "poison". I've also heard people talk about how things like cannabis a mind altering drug can open your mind up spiritually to demons, and also how some use mind altering drugs to communicate with spirits/demons. I've also seen a rabbi that said cannabis was kosher and ok to use, and have heard of rabbis saying that medication is ok. So idk. I'm trying to understand. If sorcery does have to do with drugs does that mean certain types of drugs or all drugs? Only mind altering drugs? Or only all man-made drugs including pharmaceutical medication, hence pharmakia? Is cannabis ok to use/smoke? Are psychiatric mental health medications ok to use? There may be a few questions in here which I am wondering, but mostly i want to understand: What exactly is "SORCERY" aka pharmakia? Thank you, I really appreciate this service.

What is the origin of the word “Amen”? Does it first appear in the Torah? Why do we say it after hearing a blessing? Thank you.