Korean average IQ is 107. Ashkenazim Jews, 115. Are Jewish people are smart because of Torah study? Is there any connection between Torah study and Jewish intelligence?

I know a lot of people do it. But is it actually wrong or sinful to intentionally refuse to work for a parnassa and instead spend much of one’s time learning Torah if doing so puts a strain on one’s family or community?

I am an old guy (33) and I am baal teshuva. I would like to study and obtain smicha. What are my options?

In Exodus 12 Moses tells the Israelites to keep the lamb “until” the 14th day of the 1st month and kill it at twilight. Does the word “ until” mean at the beginning of the 14th day or into the 14th day? Also was the lamb killed at the beginning of the 14th when the sun set just before darkness or later on in the afternoon of the 14th ?

Hey Rabbi, when I read in the Torah there seem to be sections that speak about violence and other topics I’m not sure are suitable for all ages. Is this perhaps a reason why children or youth below a certain age should not read the Torah? I’m pretty sure the Torah is for all ages, but I’d appreciate your helping me understand this issue better. Thanks!

Shalom Rabbi, I understand Torah is written on at least 3 levels. Can you please tell me what they are and what they are called. I understand the first level is the practical and the third is the spiritual but I do not know what the second is.

Hi, I just recently started learning gemarah. I've pretty much got the basic words but im still having a lot of trouble with the more compex and random words. What chould I do to improve my gemarah reading?

OS 099I recently read the following statement of the Vilna Gaon: "The ultimate redemption of the Jewish People (Geula) will come about only through learning Torah; And primarily through learning Kabbalah [Torah's deep secrets]. Since I don't learn Kabbalah, is my Torah study insignificant with respect to bringing about the final redemption?