Parasha Chukat Numbers 19:1-22 discusses the Red Heifer and purification. Numbers 20:1 The entire congregation of the children of Israel arrived at the desert of Zin in the first month, and the people settled in Kadesh. Miriam died there and was buried there. How is verse 20:1 interpreted to mean "AFTER FORTY YEARS of journeying through the desert" they arrived at Zin? There is no mention of years.    

Parasha CHUKAT NUMBERS 19:11-12 The person who touches a corpse is unclean for 7 days. Therefore, cleansing on the 7th day makes sense to me. Do the days represent the number of days after touching the corpse or the days of the week (3rd day would be Tuesday, 7th day would be Saturday)? Main Question: What is the significance of the third day? Thanks.

"The people stood far off, while Moses drew near to the a thick darkness where God was." (Shemot 20:21). My question is: Does God resides in thick darkness?

The Torah states: "If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."(Genesis 4:7). Now my question is: What sin was done by Cain?

How should one study Torah like great rabbis, like Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, Rashi etc? Should I learn Hebrew for that? I know only three languages: Bengali, Hindi and English.

For an adult who is just starting to read the weekly parasha, which of those would you recommend a beginning learner? Torah Lights or Covenant & Conversation? B'shalom, Lady Arwen Legolas Wilson

I am a non-Jew. Can I study Torah at night with my Jewish friends?Should I take a bath in the pond or river before studying Torah?

Hi Rabbi. My question is - does listening to recorded shiurim count (or considered) as the mitzvah of learning Torah? Basically, is it a mitzvah to listen to podcasts about the Torah and Talmud? Thanks so much! All the very best, Stephen.