I can study Torah and I enjoy studying Torah. I am studying Torah since I was 15 years old. I am now 35. I have studied Torah for 24 hours this week. I did not eat or drink during the day. I did not sleep. When I study Torah, I did not feel hungry or thirsty. I am sure if I study Torah, I can live without food and water for several days. Does God give me the power to tolerate hunger and thirst?

I am beginning to study the Torah and the Midrash Tanchuma seems very difficult to understand. Is there any book to helps me understand it? Please advise and thank you.

Dear Rabbi Becher, Does Gateways plan to offer Torah Study courses, either online or in-person? If not, can you please suggest a few online or in-person courses in NYC or Australia? Many thanks. PS I'm enjoying your book "Gateway to Judaism".

Are the writings of Rabbi Ramchal reliable for Torah study? I am asking because I heard there are some controversy about his writings?

Dear rabbi, is it better to study Torah it our free time instead of gossiping with others? And how we can seek the inner meanings of Torah?

"My spirit shall not abide in man forever, for that he also is flesh; therefore shall his days be a hundred and twenty years."(Genesis 6:3) The verse seems very difficult for me to understand. Would you explain it to me understand it easily?

If a non-Jew was makdish a behaima tehorah for bedek habayis, would it automatically ascend to have kedushas korban as a Jew's would? And if so, would it lose its din of meilah?

"And I will give over the Egyptians into the hand of a cruel lord; and a fierce king shall rule over them, saith the Lord, the LORD of hosts." (Isaiah 19:4). In this verse who is this king?